Giga Games 1
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The Book of Swords
The gods (a mixed Greek and Roman pantheon) created the Twelve Swords as a
game. They would scatter them among humans, to their chosen champions, and
see whose player could collect them all. Much to their dismay the gods
discovered that these weapons were powerful enough to work on the gods them-
selves. These Swords have claimed the lives of many a holy, and unholy,
All of the Swords look identical except for a small white symbol etched into
on side of the black hilt. The blade is a little over three feet long, and
with a molted steel color.
They may be treated as a longsword and/or a bastard sword.
All of the swords are unbreakable (except as noted in Shieldbreaker's
They retain an extremely keen edge no matter what they cut or are struck
Unless otherwise stated each weapon is +1 "to hit" and +3 damage
Shieldbreaker symbol: warhammer
The Sword of Force
The most powerful of the twelve. As Vulcan's prized weapon, he
invested a great deal of his essence into the blade. The Sword pre-
vents any harm to come to the wielder from any type of weapon or spell
(direct or indirect/physical or mental). As long as someone is engaging
the wielder in combat he cannot release the Sword (he does not have to
draw it, and may release it after all opponents disengage).
The only thing that the Sword will not effect is unharmed opponents:
If anyone or thing that attacks without weapons (or spells) the Sword
will pass, harmlessly, through them as if they were made of air.
The other disadvantage is that the Sword increases it's strength by
drawing from the wielder, for every five rounds of combat it reduces
the wielder's Strength by one (ie 2 points of STR per turn). The
wielder is not effected by this loss until all combat is done and the
magic of the Sword no longer supports him. If the wielder is below one
point of Strength, he will be comatose until he reaches 1 point;
regaining one point a day. After this he will regain 3 points per day
for total rest, or 1 point a day for resting and travelling (riding
Dispels all spells used against wielder.
For every person who attacks the wielder with a weapon or spell (in
melee range) the sword will: d100
1 - 20% Destroys their weapon.
21 - 40% Cuts off one hand/arm
41 - 45% Cuts off both hands/arms
46 - 50% Cuts off one leg
51 -100% Kills (no save)
There is no save for any of these effects. Magic armor offers no
benefit at all, nor will a Stoneskin absorb the damage.
Stonecutter symbol: block with a wedge of it cut out
Sword of Siege
Stonecutter slices through rock and stone, literally, as a hot knife
would through butter. If it's point is rested on stone, it will begin
to cut it, with its own weight.
Stonecutter may be used to tunnel through stone at a rate of 3"
(this is assuming there is someone to remove the debris, or that the
tunneler is going up, letting the debris fall below). The tunnel would
be about four feet in diameter.
Stonecutter has no combat bonuses in addition to the standard
of a Sword, unless fighting creatures made of stone. Then Stonecutter
adds a +4 to hit, and a +6 to damage. On a modified roll of 19 or 20,
the Sword will cut off a limb or appendage, and on a natural roll of
20, it will destroy the monster.
When used against stoneworks it does 15 points of damage.
Doomgiver symbol: ring (circle)
Sword of Justice
It is the least known Sword (it was destroyed without ever have been
used were the teller of the story could tell the readers).
The Sword of Justice throws the power of the opponent(s)'s attack
back at them. Acts a Ring of Spell Turning (and over powers a ring)
against spells. Attacks with melee weapons: attacker rolls to hit, if
the score is enough to hit the ATTACKER he rolls for the amount of
damage he *would* have done, then Doomgiver hits him, causing that much
Sightblinder symbol: an eye, 1/4th closed
Sword of Stealth
When the user wears this Sword it makes him appear to all others as
what they fear or love, depending on who and what they are thinking of
(the wielder may change from a father to a wife, if the viewer's
thoughts change). Usually groups see the wielder as the same person.
The image the wielder takes cannot be chosen, it may or may not
appear to be wearing a sword (or even a Sword if others see him as a
person who should be wearing one).
Also the wielder can see through all illusions, magical or otherwise.
The Sword acts as a True Seeing spell when drawn.
Woundhealer symbol: open hand
Sword of Mercy
Sword of Love
The Sword of Mercy cannot harm any living creature, if thrust into
someone it will cure 2 - 20 points of damage, cure disease, cure blind-
ness, and regenerate(which will also heal what the cure 2-20 doesn't).
If used against undead, they must save versus Death Magic at -8, or
be rendered dead.
Undead without corporal bodies can be hit, the Sword does the damage
as a "normal" Sword. (ghosts, spectres, phantoms, etc). With these
pluses: +3 "to hit" +3 damage
Evil creatures from the outer planes can be fought with this Sword.
It does damage as a Sword. With these pluses: +3 "to hit" +3 damage
If used against non-organic (never living) it uses the normal pluses
for a Sword, and does damage.
Mindsword symbol: banner on pole
All intelligent, semi and up, creatures who see this Sword drawn,
become the faithful servants of the wielder. They remain faithful until
the wielder loses the blade or they handle one of the other Swords and
make a save. Possessing one of the other Twelve allows the person a
save vs magic not to be controlled by the Mindsword. If the mindsword
and its wielder are out of sight the save is at +4. Doomgiver's and
Shieldbreaker's wielders are immune to the Mindsword.
Creatures under the power of the Mindsword will follow ANY command
given by the wielder, even suicidal instructions, with no hesitation.
Soulcutter symbol: none
Sword of Despair
Tyrant's Blade
Its power creates thoughts of absolute hopelessness in all within
100 yards radius of the drawn sword. The wielder is also effected by
the Sword. All within the radius of effect sink to the ground, so
hopeless that they can do nothing but stare at the ground.
Carrying another Sword will give the wielder a save vs magic at +5.
Once the Sword is sheathed (if it is sheathed all people effected
slowly regain their normal world-view and recover (10 - level /rounds).
The wielder of Soulcutter ages one year for every round the weapon is
drawn. The wielder cannot return the blade to its sheath unless he also
carries another Sword and makes his save when Soulcutter is drawn).
Townsaver symbol: Crenelated wall with upraised arm holding sword
Sword of Fury
Townsaver is somewhat similar to Shieldbreaker, in its effects on
opponents in combat.
Wielder cannot be controlled by another.
For every person who attacks the wielder (armed or unarmed), if they
are within melee range) the sword will: d100
fail save Saved
1 - 15% Destroys their weapon Knocks weapon from their hand
16 - 35% Cuts off one hand/arm normal damage
36 - 40% Cuts off both hands/arms normal damage
41 - 45% Cuts off one leg normal damage
46 - 95% Double damage normal damage
96 -100% Kills double damage
The disadvantage of Townsaver is that it does not protect the
wielder as does the Sword of Force. If Townsaver is controlling the
wielder he gains no AC bonus for dexterity and suffers a -2 to his AC.
A highly skilled fighter may be able to control the Sword. If (Level +
INT + WIS + CON) > 55.
If the wielder can control the sword it does not use the table
above, nor does it give an attack for each attacking opponent.
Abilities of the CONTROLLED Townsaver:
Adds 1 to the wielders attacks/per round
+3 "to hit" +3 damage
Wayfinder symbol: arrow "pointer"
Sword of Wisdom
Wayfinder can be used to make decisions. Such as "Where can I find
a wizard to help me on this adventure?" you point the Sword around
until you feel a tingle, and then go that way.
Wayfinder always makes the "correct" choice, but not always the
path of least risk.
Farslayer symbol: concentric circles (bullseye)
Sword of Vengeance
The wielder grasps this Sword by its hilt spins in a circle and
says, "For thy heart, for thy hear, who hast wronged me!" Release it,
and it flies for a couple of feet then disappears. It reappears by the
named enemy and pierces his/its heart, killing it. There is no save.
No armor or magic can stop Farslayer, only Shieldbreaker can stop this
Sword (Farslayer would be destroyed).
The sword lays in the enemies' heart, until someone finds him and
draws it out.
Coinspinner symbol: pair of dice
Sword of Chance
Coinspinner can be used similar to Wayfinder, although it finds the
best chance of what the wielder seeks. The oddest thing about the Sword
of Chance is that it is the only sword that can move itself. If not
watched it may disappear. No vault, or magic can keep it in one place.
+4 Luck (all saves at +4)
+6 Luck in all games of chance
Dragonslicer symbol: winged serpent
Sword of Heroes
Dragonslicer will kill any dragon whose flesh it bites. When used
against dragons it has no "to hit" bonus, but if the Sword hits the
dragon dies (no save). Removing the Sword from the dragon's body
requires a bend bars/lift gates roll.